Archive for June, 2022

New ICER paper award for Lasting Impact: Guest blog post from Quintin Cutts

I serve on the ACM SIGCSE International Computing Education Research (ICER) conference steering committee. Quintin Cutts is Chair of the Steering Committee. I offered to share his announcement of a new Lasting Impact paper award here in the blog.

This is an invitation to nominate a paper for the ICER Lasting Impact Award 2022, or to offer to serve on the judging panel.

Which ICER paper has caused you to change the way you teach, or the direction of your research?  Which has helped you to see and understand CS education more clearly?  Has it also had an impact right across the community?  I know which paper I would nominate, if I were allowed (but I’m not! – see below).  It’s been a game-changer for me, and across CS education.  Which one has done this for you and others?

1. Description of the award

The ICER Lasting Impact Award recognizes an outstanding paper published in the ICER Conference that has had meaningful impact on computing education. Significant impact can be demonstrated through citations, adoptions and/or adaptations of techniques and practices described in the paper by others, techniques described in the paper that have become widely recognized as best practices, further theoretical or empirical studies based on the original work, or other evidence the paper is an outstanding work in the domain of computing education research. The paper must have been published in ICER at least 10 years prior (i.e., for the 2022 award, papers must have been published in or before ICER 2011.)

2. Requirements for nominating a paper

a. An ACM Digital Library link to the paper being nominated.
b. A brief summary of the technical content of the paper and a brief explanation of its significance (limit 750 words).
c. Signatories to the summary and significance statement, with at least two current SIGCSE members. The name, contact email address and affiliation of each person who has agreed to sign the endorsement is acceptable.

3.  Nominating yourself as a potential award judge

Please consider nominating yourself as a potential judge. We are seeking judges who have significant experience in the ICER community. We will ask judges to serve who do not have nominated papers, to avoid conflicts of interest.

4. Additional Notes

a. ICER Steering Committee members cannot nominate papers.
b. The ICER Steering Committee chair, Quintin Cutts, will run the process this year, and his papers cannot be nominated.
c. In this inaugural year of the Award, we will not have a pre-defined rubric. We will ask the judges to report the rationale for their decision, and the report will be made public when we announce the winner.

5. Timetable (all times, 23.59 AoE)

17th July: Nominations close.
18th July: Judging panel selected from the candidate pool, depending on the number of nominations and conflicts. Papers sent out to the judges.
2nd August: Judging panel sits to deliberate and makes a decision, which is passed to PC chairs. Winner notified.

The award will be presented at the ICER 2022 conference in Lugano, Switzerland either in person or on-line.

6. Submitting nominations

Please send both paper nominations and judging self-nominations to me, Quintin Cutts at

June 28, 2022 at 7:00 am 2 comments

Programming in blocks lets far more people code — but not like software engineers: Response to the Ofsted Report

A May 2022 report from the UK government Research Review Series: Computing makes some strong claims about block-based programming that I think are misleading. The report is summarizing studies from the computing education research literature. Here’s the paragraph that I’m critiquing:

Block-based programming languages can be useful in teaching programming, as they reduce the need to memorise syntax and are easier to use. However, these languages can encourage pupils to develop certain programming habits that are not always helpful. For example, small-scale research from 2011 highlighted 2 habits that ‘are at odds with the accepted practice of computer science’ (footnote). The first is that these languages encourage a bottom-up approach to programming, which focuses on the blocks of the language and not wider algorithm design. The second is that they may lead to a fine-grained approach to programming that does not use accepted programming constructs; for example, pupils avoiding ‘the use of the most important structures: conditional execution and bounded loops’. This is problematic for pupils in the early stages of learning to program, as they may carry these habits across to other programming languages.

I completely agree with the first sentence — there are benefits to using block-based programming in terms of reducing the need to memorize syntax and increasing usability. There is also evidence that secondary school students learn computing better in block-based programming than in text-based programming (see blog post). Blanchard, Gardner-McCune, and Anthony found (a Best Paper awardee from SIGCSE 2020) that university students learned better when they used both blocks and text than when they used blocks alone.

The two critiques of block-based programming in the paragraph are:

  • “These languages encourage a bottom-up approach to programming, which focuses on the blocks of the language and not wider algorithm design.”
  • “They may lead to a fine-grained approach to programming that does not use accepted programming constructs…conditional execution and bounded loops.”

Key Point #1: Block-based programming doesn’t cause either of those critiques. What about programming with blocks rather than text could cause either of these to be true?

I’m programming a lot in Snap! these days for two new introductory computing courses I’m developing at the University of Michigan. I’ve been enjoying the experience. I don’t think that either of these critiques are true about my code or that of the students helping me develop the courses. I regularly do top-down programming where I define high-level custom blocks, as I design my program overall. Not only do I use conditional execution and bounded loops regularly, but Snap allows me to create new kinds of control structures, which has been a terrific help as I create block-based versions of our Teaspoon languages. My experience is only evidence that those two statements need not be true, just because the language is block-based.

I completely believe that the studies being cited in this research report saw and accurately describe exactly these points — that students worked bottom-up and that they rarely used conditioned execution and bounded loops. I’m not questioning the studies. I’m questioning the inference. I don’t believe at all that those are caused by block-based languages.

Key Point #2: Block-Based Programming is Scaffolding, but not Instant Expertise. For those not familiar, here are two education research terms that will be useful in making my argument.

  • Scaffolding is the support provided by a learner to enable them to achieve some task or process which they might not be able to achieve without that support. A kid can’t hop a fence by themselves, but they can with a boost — that’s a kind of scaffolding. Block-based programming languages are a kind of scaffolding (and here’s a nice paper from Weintrop and Wilensky describing how it is scaffolding — thanks to Ben Shapiro for pointing it out).
  • The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) describes the difference between what a student can do on their own (one edge of the ZPD) and what they might be able to do with the support of a teacher or scaffolding (the far edge of the ZPD). Maybe you can’t code a linked list traversal on your own, but if I give you the pseudocode or give you a lecture on how to do it, then you can. But the far edge of ZPD is unlikely to be that you’re a data structure expert.

Let’s call the task that students were facing in the studies reviewed in the report: “Building a program using good design and with conditioned execution.” If we asked students to achieve this task in a text-based language, we would be asking them to perform the task without scaffolding. Here’s what I would expect:

  • Fewer students would complete the task. Not everyone can achieve the goal without scaffolding.
  • Those students who do complete the task likely already have a strong background in math or computing. They are probably more likely to use good design and to use conditioned execution. The average performance in the text-based condition would be higher than in the block-based condition — simply because you’ve filtered out everyone who doesn’t have the prior background..

Fewer people succeed. More people drop-out. Pretty common CS Ed result. If you just compare performance text vs. blocks, text looks better. For a full picture, you also have to look at who got left out.

So let’s go back to the actual studies. Why didn’t we see good design in students’ block-based programs? Because the far edge of the ZPD is not necessarily expert practice. Without scaffolding (block-based programming languages), many students are not able to succeed at all. Giving them the scaffolding doesn’t make them experts. The scaffolding can take them as far as the ZPD allows. It may take more learning experiences before we can get to good design and conditioned execution — if that even makes sense.

Key Point #3: Good software engineering practice is the wrong goal. Is “building a program using good design and with conditioned execution” really the task that students were engaging in? Is that what we want student to succeed at? Not everyone who learns to program is going to be a software engineer. (See the work I cite often on “alternative endpoints.”) Using good software engineering practices as the measure of success doesn’t make sense, as Ben Shapiro wrote about these kinds of studies several years ago on Twitter (see his commentary here, shared with his permission). A much more diverse audience of students are using block-based programming than ever used text-based programming. They are going to solve different problems for different purposes in different ways (a point I made in this blog post several years ago). Few US teachers in K-12 are taught how to teach good software engineering practice — that’s simply not their goal (a point that Aman Yadav made to me when discussing this post). We know from many empirical studies that most Scratch programs are telling a story. Why would you need algorithmic design and conditioned execution for that task? They’re not doing complicated coding, but the little bit of coding that they’re using is powerful and is engaging for students — and relatively few students are getting that. I’m far more concerned about the inequitable access to computing education than I am about whether students are becoming good software engineers.

Summary: It’s inaccurate to suggest that block-based programming causes bad programming habits. Block-based programming makes programming far more accessible than it ever has been before. Of course, we’re not going to see expert practice as used in text-based languages for traditional tasks. These are diverse novices using a different kind of notation for novel tasks. Let’s encourage the learning and engagement appropriate for each student.

June 20, 2022 at 7:00 am 20 comments

Getting feedback on Teaspoon Languages from CS educators and researchers at the Raspberry Pi Foundation seminar series

In May, I had the wonderful opportunity to speak at the Raspberry Pi Foundation Seminar series. I’ve attended some of these seminars before. I highly recommend them (see past seminars here). It’s a terrific format. The speaker presents for up to a half hour, then everyone gets put into a breakout room for small group discussions. The participants and speaker come back for 30-35 minutes of intensive Q&A — at least, it feels “intensive” from the speaker’s perspective. The questions you get have been vetted through the breakout room process. They’re insightful, and sometimes critical, but always in a constructive way. I was excited about this opportunity because I wanted to make it a hands-on session where the CS teachers and researchers who attended might actually use some Teaspoon Languages and give me feedback on them. I have rarely had the opportunity to work with CS teachers, so I was excited for the opportunity.

Sue Sentance wrote up a very nice blog post describing my talk (thank you!) — see here. The video of the talk and discussion is available. You can watch the whole thing, or, you can read the blog post then skip ahead to where the conversation takes place (around 26:00 in the video). If you have been wondering, “Why isn’t Mark just using Logo, Scratch, Snap, or NetLogo? We already have great tools! Why invent new languages that are clearly less powerful than what we already have?”, then you should jump to 34:38 and see Ken Kahn (inventor of ToonTalk) push me on this point.

The whole experience was terrific for me, and I hope that it’s valuable for the viewer and attendees as well. The questions and comments indicated understanding and appreciation for what I’m trying to do, and the concerns and criticisms are valuable input for me and my team. Thanks to Sue, Diana Kirby, the Raspberry Pi Foundation, and all the attendees!

June 14, 2022 at 7:00 am Leave a comment

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