Posts tagged ‘cognitive science’

Learning to code is really learning to code something: One doesn’t just “learn programming” nor “learn tracing”

I asked a group of social studies educators what programming language(s) they might want to use in their classes. One of the interesting themes in the responses was “the same as what’s in math and science classes.” One teacher said that she didn’t want a “weird hierarchy” where there’s one programming language in STEM and another in “history and English” for fear they’d be seen as “dumbed down.” Another said that maybe teaching JavaScript in history class “would make history cool.”

There’s a belief in this theme that I think is wrong. Learning to program in science class probably won’t transfer without a bunch of work to programming in mathematics class, and programming STEM classes will probably be a very different thing than programming in the humanities classes. Even expert programmers learn to program in a domain, and have a hard time transferring that knowledge of programming between domains. Expertise is expertise in a domain.

My advisor, Elliot Soloway, was involved in some of the early studies that supported this claim. The first paper was “The role of domain experience in software design” by Beth Adelson and Elliot Soloway from 1985. I quote from the abstract:

A designer’s expertise rests on the knowledge and skills which develop with experience in a domain. As a result, when a designer is designing an object in an unfamiliar domain he will not have the same knowledge and skills available to him as when he is designing an object in a familiar domain.

In this study, they took expert software designers in various fields, and have them design systems in other fields. They also asked novice designers to do some of the same tasks. For example, maybe we have a software designer who has been building banking software, and another who has been designing real-time control systems. Now, let’s ask both designers to design an elevator control system.

What they found was that the designers in the new domain struggled. They stopped planning (e.g., making notes). When they were in the familiar domain, they would often visualize the working system (“simulation” in the paper). Novices didn’t. The experts didn’t when they were faced with a new domain. Experts in an unfamiliar domain looked much like novices. Now, experts in an unfamiliar domain were better than the novices at noticing constraints on the design, so something transferred.

The second paper is even more striking. “Empirical Studies of Programming Knowledge” (1984) by Elliot Soloway and Kate Ehrlich. From the abstract:

We suggest that expert programmers have and use two types of programming knowledge: (1) programming plans, which are generic program fragments that represent stereotypic action sequences in programming, and (2) rules of programming discourse, which capture the conventions in programming and govern the composition of the plans into programs.

When we teach programming, we tend to focus on the syntax and semantics of the language. We don’t explicitly teach plans — chunks of code that do something useful. But we expect students to figure them out. We rarely teach discourse rules. The domain-specific knowledge lies in both plans and discourse rules.

To test the claim about the importance of these discourse rules, they produce sets of two programs: Alpha and Beta. Alpha is a perfectly fine program. Beta breaks the rules. For example, if you see a variable initialized n := 0;, you would find it weird to later see read(n); (to input a new value for n). It’s not wrong. The code might work just fine — in fact, it does work just fine in the experimental construction of Beta. But the program breaks the rules of discourse. They write:

Notice that both Alpha version and the Beta version are runnable programs that in almost all cases compute the same values. Moreover, to an untrained eye their differences may even not be apparent; they always only differ by a very few textual elements.

Here’s an example of one Alpha and Beta — these both work. In this case, they do not do the same thing:

Beta isn’t wrong. It successfully computes minimum. However, it uses the variable max which is confusing. It breaks our discourse rule. The program does work.

Different domains use different standards and different styles of programming. Engineers using MATLAB rarely use FOR or WHILE loops, for example. Graphic designers writing JavaScript code use far more exception handling than we ever expected.

Soloway and Ehrlich showed these programs to “experts” (undergraduate juniors to graduate students) and novices (students in their first programming course). When asked questions about Alpha (e.g., “What goes in this missing line in the code?” Or “Do you remember that code that I showed you?”), experts do far better than novices. When asked questions about Beta, experts do essentially the same as novices (no statistically significant differences).

I find it particularly notable that the expert drop is steeper.  Experts rely heavily on cues like variable names, even more than novices. CS expertise is really expertise in the discourse rules.

If expert programmers “knew programming,” they should be able to just trace the code (“be a computer”) and answer the questions correctly. Instead, they struggle to understand what’s going on. They’re pretty much like a student in their first semester of programming. The experts know Alpha well because it’s just like all the other programs they’ve ever seen — they can pattern match, rather than reason about the code itself. The experts struggle with Beta. It’s kind of like the difference between humans and Econs. Econs can reason through code rationally. Humans rely on expectations.

These results also suggest that the question of “Does tracing come before writing?” is moot.  Tracing what?  The program matters.  Some programs are harder to trace than others — for everyone, and particularly, with expertise.  There is no generic “tracing skill.”

Conclusion: People don’t just learn “coding.” Programmers in general know plans and discourse rules. Break the rules and you just have the programming language — and even experts aren’t really good at just applying the syntax and semantics rules. No better than a novice. If you have enough expertise in different domains, then you can work in different domains. When you start programming in a new domain, you’re not that much different than a new programmer.

The social studies teachers I’m working with have a sense that students can just
know JavaScript.” I don’t think that’s true. I think if I taught students to write JavaScript code to use Google’s Charts service for making data visualizations, it wouldn’t be much easier to teach them Web programming with React, to write scripts for Adobe Photoshop, nor to build simulations in Lively Web. It’s all JavaScript, and the syntax and semantics are the same in each — but in terms of what people really know and use (i.e., plans and discourse rules), it’s completely different.

May 20, 2019 at 7:00 am 7 comments

What do I mean by Computing Education Research? The Computer Science Perspective


Last week, I talked about how I explain what I do to social scientists. This time, let me explain what I do to computer scientists. I haven’t given this talk yet, and have only tried the ideas out on a few people. So consider this an experiment, and I’d appreciate your feedback.

Let’s simplify the problem of computing education research (maybe a case of a spherical cow). Let’s imagine that instead of classes of Real Humans, we are teaching programming to Human-like Turing Machines (HTMs). I’m not arguing that Turing machines are sufficient to represent human beings. I’m asking you to believe that (a) we might be able to create Turing Machines that could simulate humans, like those we have in our classes, (b) RH’s would only have additional capabilities beyond what HTM’s have, and (c) HTM’s and RH’s would similar mechanisms for cognition and learning. (Carl Hewitt has a great CACM blog post arguing that message passing is more powerful than TM’s or first order logic, so maybe these should be HMP, Human Message Passers. I don’t think I need more than TM’s for this post.)

This isn’t a radical simplification. Cognitive science started out using computation as a model for understanding cognition (see history here). Information processing theory in psychology starts from a belief that humans process information like a computer (see Wikipedia article and Ed Psychology reference). Newell and Simon won the ACM Turing award and in their Turing Award lecture introduced the physical symbol system hypothesis, “A physical symbol system has the necessary and sufficient means for general intelligent action.” If we have a program on a Turing machine that gives it the ability to process the world in symbols, our theory suggests that it would be capable of intelligence, even human-like intelligence. I’m applying this lens to how we think about humans learning to program.

This simplification buys me two claims:

  • The Geek Gene is off the table. The Geek Gene is the belief that some people can’t learn to program (see blog post for more). Any Turing machine can simulate any other Turing machine. Our HTM’s are capable of tracing a program. If any HTM can also write code, then all HTM’s can write code. Everyone has the same computational capability. (If HTM’s can all code, then RH’s can all code, because HTM’s have a subset of RH cognitive capabilities.)
  • Learning of our students can be analyzed and understood as information processing. The behavior of Turing machines is understandable with analysis. HTM’s are sophisticated Turing machines. The core mechanism of HTM’s can be analyzed and understood. If we think about our students as HTM’s, we might reason about their learning about computing.

Here are some of the research questions that I find interesting, within this framing.

How do HTM’s learn to program?

All HTM’s must learn, and learn at a level where their initial programming (the bootstrap code written on their tape when they come into our world) becomes indistinguishable from learned capabilities. HTM’s must have built-in programming to eat and to sleep. They learn to walk and run and decipher symbols like “A,” such that it’s hard to tell what was pre-programmed and what was learned. HTM’s can extend their programming.

There are lots of models that describe how HTM’s could learn, such as SOAR and ACT-R. But none so far has learned to program. The closest are the models used to build the cognitive tutors for programming, but those couldn’t debug and couldn’t design programs. They could work from a definition of a program to assemble a program, but that’s not what most of us would call coding. How would they do it?

How would HTM’s think about code? How would it be represented in memory (whether that memory is a tape, RAM, or human brains)? There is growing research interest in how people construct mental models of notional machines. Even experts don’t really know the formal semantics of a language. So instead, they have a common, “notional” way of thinking about the language. How does that notional machine get represented, and how does it get developed?

How do we teach HTM’s to learn to program?

You shouldn’t be able to just reprogram HTM’s or extend their programs by some manipulation of the HTM’s. That would be dangerous. The HTM might be damaged, or learn something that led them into danger. Instead, extending HTM’s programming can only be done by conscious effort by the HTM. That’s a core principle of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development — children (RH’s and HTM’s) learn by consciously constructing a model of the world.

So, we can’t just tell an HTM how to program. Instead, we have to give them experiences and situations where they learn to program when trying to make sense of their world. We could just make them program a lot, on increasingly harder programs. Not only is that de-motivating (maybe not an issue for HTM’s, but certainly is for RH’s), but it’s inefficient. Turns out that we can use worked examples with subgoal labeling and techniques like Parson’s problems and peer instruction to dramatically improve learning in less time.

What native capabilities of HTM’s are used when they learn to code?

We know that learning to read involves re-using more primitive mechanisms to see patterns (see article here). When HTM’s learn to program, what parts of the native programming are being re-used for programming?

Programming in RH’s may involve re-use of our built-in ability to reason about space and language. My colleague Wes Weimer (website) is doing FMRI studies showing that programmers tend to use the parts of their brain associated with language and spatial reasoning. In our work, we have been studying the role of spatial reasoning and gesture in learning to program (see summaries of our ICER 2018 papers). We don’t know why spatial reasoning might be playing a role in learning to program. Maybe it’s not spatial reasoning, but some aspect of spatial reasoning or maybe it’s even some other native ability that is related to spatial reasoning.

How does code work as an external representation of HTM’s, and where does it help?

We can safely assume that HTM’s, like RH’s, would enhance their cognition through the use of external representations. Cognition and memory are limited. Even an infinite tape has limitations in terms of time to access. Human cognitive systems are limited in terms of how much can be attended to at once. RH’s use external representations (writing notes, making diagrams, sketches) to enhance their cognition. We’re assuming that HTM’s have a subset of RH abilities, so external representations would help HTM’s, too.

My students and I talk about a wonderful paper by David Kirsh, Thinking with External Representations (see link here). It’s a compelling view of how external representations give us abilities to think that we don’t have with just our brain alone.

How can program code be a useful external representation for HTM’s? When does it help, e.g., with what cognitive tasks is code a useful external representation? For example, a natural one is modeling and simulation — we can model more complex situations with program code than we can keep in our head, and we can simulate that model for a much larger range of time and possible values. Are there cognitive tasks where code by itself, as a notation like written language or mathematics, can enhance cognition? Here I’m thinking about the ability of code to represent causal relationships (e.g., as in Bruce Sherin’s work) or algebraic forms (e.g., as in Bootstrap) — see here for discussion of both.  I’m intrigued by the idea of the affordances of reading code even before writing it.

What makes programming worth learning for HTM’s?

Why should an HTM learn programming? Let’s assume that an HTM’s basic programming is going to be about staying alive, e.g., Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. When would an HTM want to learn programming?

The most obvious reason to learn programming is because you can get paid to do it. It’s about meeting physiological needs and safety. But, if you can meet those needs doing something that’s easier or more pleasant or has fewer barriers, you’ll likely do that.

Sometimes, you’ll want to learn programming because it makes easier something you want to do anyway. Brian Dorn’s graphic designers wanted to learn programming (see here) because they used Photoshop or GIMP and wanted a way to do that easier and faster. Maybe that’s about safety and physiological needs, but maybe it was about esteem or even self-actualization (if HTM’s care about those things).

Where my simplification breaks down: Real humans learn in situated and social contexts

Our learning theory about RH’s say that they are unlikely to start a new subject unless there’s social pressure to do so (see Pat Alexander’s Model of Domain Learning). Would HTM’s feel social pressure? Maybe.

As I described in the previous blog post, much of my work is framed around sociocultural models of learning, like Lave and Wenger’s situated learning. I use Communities of Practice to understand a lot of the situations that I explore. We can only go so far in thinking about programming as just being inside of individual minds (HTM or RH). Much of the interesting stuff comes when we realize that (a) our cognition interacts with the environments and situations around us, and (b) our motivation, affect, and cognition are influenced by our social world.

Setting aside whether it’s social science or computer science, I am still driven by a paper I read in 1982, which was five years after it was written: “Personal Dynamic Media” by Alan Kay and Adele Goldberg (see copy here).  I want people to be to use coding like they use other literacies, to create a literature, and in a casual, informal and still insightful way.  Mitchel Resnick often talks about people using Scratch to write a card to their mother or grandmother — that’s the kind of thing I want to see.  I want people to be able to make small computational models that answer questions, in the same way that people do “back of the envelope” calculations today. I also want great literature — we need Shakespeares and daVinci’s who convey great thoughts with computing (an argument that Andrea diSessa made recently at the PPIG conference which Felienne Hermans blogged about here.) That’s the vision that drives me, whether I’m using cognitive science or situated learning.


November 12, 2018 at 8:00 am 8 comments

Constructivism vs. Constructivism vs. Constructionism

I wrote the below in 1997. I’m surprised that I still find references to it from time-to-time. That website may be going away soon, so I thought I’d put it here (only very slightly edited) in case others may find it useful.

I’d like to offer my take on the meaning of these words. I hear them used in so many ways that I often get confused what others mean by them.

Constructivism, the cognitive theory, was invented by Jean Piaget. His idea was that knowledge is constructed by the learner. There was a prevalent idea at the time (and perhaps today as well) that knowledge is transmitted, that the learner was copying ideas read or heard in lecture directly into his or her mind. Piaget theorized that that’s not true. Instead, learning is the compilation of complex knowledge structures. The learner must consciously make an effort to derive meaning, and through that effort, meaning is constructed through the knowledge structures. Piaget liked to emphasize learning through play, but the basic cognitive theory of constructivism certainly supports learning through lecture — as long as that basic construction of meaning takes place.

I don’t know who invented the notion of Constructivism, the educational philosophy, but it says that each students constructs their own, unique meaning for everything that is learned. This isn’t the same as what Piaget said. Piaget’s theory does not rule out the possibility that you and I may construct exactly the same meaning (i.e., exactly the same knowledge constructions) for some concept or domain. The philosophy of constructivism say that learners will construct their own unique meanings for concepts, so it is not at all reasonable to evaluate students as to how well they have all met some normative goal. (Radical constructivists go so far as to say that the whole concept of a curriculum makes no sense since we cannot teach anyone anything — students will always simply create their own meaning, regardless of what teachers do.) Philosophical constructivists emphasize having students take control of their own learning, and they de-emphasize lecture and other transmissive forms of instruction. This philosophical approach gets complicated by varying concepts of reality: If we all interpret things differently, is there any correct reality?

From my perspective, the assumption of constructivists is currently an untestable hypothesis. We know of no way to peer into someone’s mental constructions. Until we can, we do not know if you and I think about the concept of velocity differently or the same.

Constructionism is more of an educational method which is based on the constructivist learning theory. Constructionism, invented by Seymour Papert who was a student of Piaget’s, says that learning occurs “most felicitously” when constructing a public artifact “whether a sand castle on the beach or a theory of the universe.” (Quotes from his chapter “Situating Constructionism” in the book “Constructionism” edited by Papert and Idit Harel.) Seymour does lean toward the constructivist learning philosophy in his writings, where he talks about the difficulty of conveying a complex concept when the reader is going to construct their own meaning. In general, though, his claim is more about method. He believes that students will be more deeply involved in their learning if they are constructing something that others will see, critique, and perhaps use. Through that construction, students will face complex issues, and they will make the effort to problem-solve and learn because they are motivated by the construction.

The confusion that I and others have about these terms stems from (a) similar looking words and (b) meaning at different levels of the word construct. Piaget was talking about how mental constructions get formed, philosophical constructivists talk about how these constructions are unique (noun construction), and Papert is simply saying that constructing is a good way to get mental constructions built. Levels here are shifting from the physical (constructionism) to the mental (constructivism), from theory to philosophy to method, from science to approach to practice.

March 19, 2018 at 9:00 am 11 comments

Elementary School Computer Science – Misconceptions and Developmental Progressions: Papers from SIGCSE 2017

March 8-11, Seattle hosted the ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium for 2017. This was the largest SIGCSE ever, with over 1500 attendees. I was there and stayed busy (as I described here). This post isn’t a trip report. I want to talk about two of my favorite papers (and one disappointing one) that I’ve read so far.

We are starting to gather evidence on what makes elementary school computer science different than undergraduate computer science. Most of our research on learning programming and computer science is from undergraduates, published in SIGCSE venues. We know relatively little about elementary school students, and it’s obvious that it’s going to be different. But how?

Shuchi Grover and Satabdi Basu of SRI are starting to answer that question in their paper “Measuring Student Learning in Introductory Block-Based Programming: Examining Misconceptions of Loops, Variables, and Boolean Logic.” They looked at the problems that 6th, 7th, and 8th graders had when programming in Scratch. They’re reporting on things that I’ve never heard of before as misconceptions at the undergraduate level. Like this quote:

Students harbored the misconception that a variable is a letter that is used as a short form for an unknown number – an idea that comes from middle school mathematics classes. Together, this led students to believe that repeat(NumberOfTimes) was a new command. One student conjectured it was a command for multiplication by 5 (the value of NumberOfTimes), while another thought it would print each number five times… After being told that NumberOfTimes was indeed a variable, the students could correctly predict the program output, though they continued to take issue with the length of the variable name.

I find their description believable and fascinating. Their paper made me realize that middle school students are expending cognitive load on issues like multi-character variable names that probably no computer scientist even considered. That’s a real problem, but probably fixable — though the fix might be in the mathematics classes, as well as in the CS classes.

The paper that most impressed me was from Diana Franklin’s group, “Using Upper-Elementary Student Performance to Understand Conceptual Sequencing in a Blocks-based Curriculum.” They’re studying over 100 students, and starting to develop general findings about what works at each of these grade levels. Three of their findings are quoted here:

Finding 1: Placing simple instructions in sequence and using simple events in a block-based language is accessible to 4th-6th grade students.

Finding 2: Initialization is challenging for 4th and 5th grade students.

Finding 3: 6th grade students are more precise at 2-dimension navigation than 4th and 5th grade students.

I’ve always suspected that there was likely to be an interaction between a student’s level of cognitive development and what they would likely be able to do in programming, given how much students are learning about abstraction and representation at these ages. Certainly, programming might influence cognitive development. It’s important to figure out what we might expect.

That’s what Diana’s group is doing. She isn’t saying that fourth grader’s can’t initialize variables and properties. She’s saying it’s challenging for them. Her results are likely influenced by Scratch and by how the students were taught — it’s still an important result. Diana’s group is offering a starting point for exploring these interactions and understanding what we can expect to be easy and what might be hard for the average elementary school student at different ages.  There may be studies that also tell us about developmental progressions in countries that are ahead of the US in elementary school CS (e.g., maybe Israel or Germany). This is the first study of its kind that I’ve read.

SIGCSE 2017 introduced having Best Paper awards in multiple categories and Exemplary Paper awards. I applaud these initiatives. Other conferences have these kinds of awards. The awards helps our authors stand out in job searches and promotion time.

To be really meaningful awards, though, SIGCSE has to fix the reviewing processes. There were hiccups in this year’s reviewing where there wasn’t much of a match between reviewer expertise and the paper’s topic. The hiccups led to papers with significant flaws getting high rankings.

The Best Paper award in the Experience Report category was “Making Noise: Using Sound-Art to Explore Technological Fluency.” The authors describe a really nifty idea. They implement a “maker” kind of curriculum. One of the options is that students get toys that make noise then modify and reprogram them. The toys already work, so it’s about understanding a system, then modifying and augmenting it. The class sounds great, but as Leah Buchele has pointed out, “maker” curricula can be overwhelmingly male. I was surprised that this award-winning paper doesn’t mention females or gender — at all. (There is one picture of a female student in the paper.) I understand that it’s an Experience Report, but gender diversity is a critical issue in CS education, particularly with maker curricula. I consider the omission of even a mention of gender to be a significant flaw in the paper.

April 3, 2017 at 7:00 am 12 comments

How the Pioneers of the MOOC Got It Wrong (from IEEE), As Predicted

There is a sense of vindication that the predictions that many of us made about MOOCs have been proven right, e.g., see this blog post where I explicitly argue (as the article below states) that MOOCs misunderstand the importance of active learning. It’s disappointing that so much effort went wasted.  MOOCs do have value, but it’s much more modest than the sales pitch.

What accounts for MOOCs’ modest performance? While the technological solution they devised was novel, most MOOC innovators were unfamiliar with key trends in education. That is, they knew a lot about computers and networks, but they hadn’t really thought through how people learn.

It’s unsurprising then that the first MOOCs merely replicated the standard lecture, an uninspiring teaching style but one with which the computer scientists were most familiar. As the education technology consultant Phil Hill recently observed in the Chronicle of Higher Education, “The big MOOCs mostly employed smooth-functioning but basic video recording of lectures, multiple-choice quizzes, and unruly discussion forums. They were big, but they did not break new ground in pedagogy.”

Indeed, most MOOC founders were unaware that a pedagogical revolution was already under way at the nation’s universities: The traditional lecture was being rejected by many scholars, practitioners, and, most tellingly, tech-savvy students. MOOC advocates also failed to appreciate the existing body of knowledge about learning online, built over the last couple of decades by adventurous faculty who were attracted to online teaching for its innovative potential, such as peer-to-peer learning, virtual teamwork, and interactive exercises. These modes of instruction, known collectively as “active” learning, encourage student engagement, in stark contrast to passive listening in lectures. Indeed, even as the first MOOCs were being unveiled, traditional lectures were on their way out.

Source: How the Pioneers of the MOOC Got It Wrong – IEEE Spectrum

February 17, 2017 at 7:17 am 2 comments

A review of one of my favorite papers: Cognitive Apprenticeship (Collins, Brown, Newman)

I drew on Cognitive Apprenticeship a lot in my dissertation — so much so that Carl Berger asked me at my proposal, “Are you testing Cognitive Apprenticeship as a model?”  I had no idea how to respond, and 25 years later, I still don’t.  How do you test a conceptual framework?

Cognitive apprenticeship, like situated learning, starts from the assumption that apprenticeship is a particularly effective form of education. Then it asks, “How do you offer an apprenticeship around invisible tasks?”

What I like about the essay linked below is that it places cognitive apprenticeship in a broader context.  Apprenticeship isn’t always the best option (as discussed in the post about the Herb Simon paper).

Active listeners or readers, who test their understanding and pursue the issues that are raised in their minds, learn things that apprenticeship can never teach. To the degree that readers or listeners are passive, however, they will not learn as much as they would by apprenticeship, because apprenticeship forces them to use their knowledge. Moreover, few people learn to be active readers and listeners on their own, and that is where cognitive apprenticeship is critical–observing the processes by which an expert listener or reader thinks and practicing these skills under the guidance of the expert can teach students to learn on their own more skillfully.

Source: Cognitive Apprenticeship (Collins, Brown, Newman) | Reading for Pleasure

January 20, 2017 at 7:03 am Leave a comment

Balancing cognition and motivation in computing education: Herbert Simon and evidence-based education

Education is a balancing act between optimally efficient instruction and motivating students. It’s not the same thing to meet the needs of the head and of the heart.

Shuchi Grover tweeted this interesting piece (quoted below) that reviews an article by Herb Simon (and John Anderson and Lynne Reder) which I hadn’t previously heard of.  The reviewer sees Herb Simon as taking a stand against discovery-based, situated, and constructivist learning, and in favor of direct instruction. When I read the article, I saw a more subtle message.  I do recommend reading the review piece linked below.

He [Herbert Simon] rejects discovery learning, and praises teacher instruction

When, for whatever reason, students cannot construct the knowledge for themselves, they need some instruction. The argument that knowledge must be constructed is very similar to the earlier arguments that discovery learning is superior to direct instruction. In point of fact, there is very little positive evidence for discovery learning and it is often inferior (e.g., Charney, Reder & Kusbit, 1990). Discovery learning, even when successful in acquiring the desired construct, may take a great deal of valuable time that could have been spent practicing this construct if it had been instructed. Because most of the learning in discovery learning only takes place after the construct has been found, when the search is lengthy or unsuccessful, motivation commonly flags.

Source: Herbert Simon and evidence-based education | The Wing to Heaven

Some cognitive scientists have been railing against the constructivist and situated approaches to learning for years. Probably the most important paper representing the cognitivist perspective is the Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark paper, “Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching.”  I talked about the Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark paper in this blog post with its implication for how we teach computer science.

The conclusion is pretty straightforward: Direct instruction is far more efficient than making the students work it out for themselves. Students struggling to figure something out for themselves does not lead to deeper learning or more transfer than simply telling students what they ought to do. Drill and practice is important. Learning in authentic, complex situations is unnecessary and often undesirable because failure increases with complexity.

The Anderson, Reder, and Simon article does something important that the famous Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark paper doesn’t — it talks about motivation. The words “motivation” and “interests” don’t appear anywhere in the Kirschner, Sweller, and Clark paper. Important attitudes about learning (like Carol Dweck’s fixed and growth mindsets, or Angela Duckworth’s grit) are not even considered.

In contrast, Anderson, Reder, and Simon understand that motivation is a critical part of learning.

Motivational questions lie outside our present discussion, but are at least as complex as the cognitive issues. In particular, there is no simple relation between level of motivation, on the one hand, and the complexity or realism of the context in which the learning takes place, on the other. To cite a simple example, learning by doing in the real-life domain of application is sometimes claimed to be the optimum procedure. Certainly, this is not true, when the tasks are life-threatening for novices (e.g., firefighting), when relevant learning opportunities are infrequent and unpredictable (e.g., learning to fly a plane in bad weather), or when the novice suffers social embarrassment from using inadequate skills in a real-life context (e.g., using a foreign language at a low level of skill). The interaction of motivation with cognition has been described in information-processing terms by Simon (1967, 1994). But an adequate discussion of these issues would call for a separate paper as long as this one.

There are, of course, reasons sometimes to practice skills in their complex setting. Some of the reasons are motivational and some reflect the special skills that are unique to the complex situation. The student who wishes to play violin in an orchestra would have a hard time making progress if all practice were attempted in the orchestra context. On the other hand, if the student never practiced as a member of an orchestra, critical skills unique to the orchestra would not be acquired. The same arguments can be made in the sports context, and motivational arguments can also be made for complex practice in both contexts. A child may not see the point of isolated exercises, but will when they are embedded in the real-world task. Children are motivated to practice sports skills because of the prospect of playing in full-scale games. However, they often spend much more time practicing component skills than full-scale games. It seems important both to motivation and to learning to practice one’s skills from time to time in full context, but this is not a reason to make this the principal mechanism of learning.

As a constructionist-oriented learning scientist, I’d go further with the benefits of a motivating context (which is a subset of what they’re calling a “complex setting”). When you “figure it out for yourself,” you have a different relationship to the domain. You learn about process, as well as content, as in learning what it means to be a scientist or how a programmer thinks. When you are engaged in the context, practice is no longer onerous but an important part of developing expertise — still arduous, but with meaning. Yasmin Kafai and Quinn Burke talk about changing students’ relationship with technology. Computer science shouldn’t just be about learning knowledge, but developing a new sense of empowerment with technology.

I’ve been wondering about what (I think) is an open research question about cognitivist vs. situationist approaches on lifelong learning. I bet you’re more likely to continue learning in a domain when you are a motivated and engaged learner. An efficiently taught but unmotivated learner is less likely to continue learning in the discipline, I conjecture.

While they underestimate the motivational aspect of learning, Anderson, Reder, and Simon are right about the weaknesses of an authentic context. We can’t just throw students into complex situations. Many students will fail, and those that succeed won’t be learning any better. They will learn slower.

Anderson, Reder, and Simon spend much of their paper critiquing Lave & Wenger’s Situated Learning. I draw on situated learning in my work (e.g., see post here) and reference it frequently in my book on Learner-Centered Computing Education, but I agree with their critique. Lave & Wenger are insightful about the motivation part, but miss on the cognitive part. Situated learning, in particular, provides insight into how learning is a process of developing identity. Lave & Wenger value apprenticeship as an educational method too highly. Apprenticeship has lots of weaknesses: inefficient, inequitable, and difficulty to scale.

The motivational component of learning is particularly critical in computing education. Most of our hot issues are issues of motivation:

The challenge to being an effective computing educator is to be authentic and complex enough to maintain motivation, and to use scaffolding to support student success and make learning more efficient. That’s the point of Phyllis Blumenfeld et al.’s “Motivating Project-Based Learning: Sustaining the Doing, Supporting the Learning.” (I’m in the “et al,” and it’s the most cited paper I’ve ever been part of.) Project-based learning is complex and authentic, but has the weaknesses that the cognitivists describe. Blumenfeld et al. suggest using technology to help students sustain their motivation and support their learning.

Good teaching is not just a matter of choosing the most efficient forms of learning. It’s also about motivating students to persevere, to tell them the benefits that make the efforts worthwhile. It’s about feeding the heart in order to feed the head.

January 6, 2017 at 7:00 am 9 comments

Graduating Dr. Briana Morrison: Posing New Puzzles for Computing Education Research

I am posting this on the day that I am honored to “hood” Dr. Briana Morrison. “Hooding” is where doctoral candidates are given their academic regalia indicating their doctorate degree. It’s one of those ancient parts of academia that I find really cool. I like the way that the Wikiversity describes it: “The Hooding Ceremony is symbolic of passing the guard from one generation of doctors to the next generation of doctors.”

I’ve written about Briana’s work a lot over the years here:

But what I find most interesting about Briana’s dissertation work were the things that didn’t work:

  • She tried to show a difference in getting program instruction via audio or text. She didn’t find one. The research on modality effects suggested that she would.
  • She tried to show a difference between loop-and-a-half and exit-in-the-middle WHILE loops. Previous studies had found one. She did not.

These kinds of results are so cool to me, because they point out what we don’t know about computing education yet. The prior results and theory were really clear. The study was well-designed and vetted by her committee. The results were contrary to what we expected. WHAT HAPPENED?!? It’s for the next group of researchers to try to figure out.

The most interesting result of that kind in Briana’s dissertation is one that I’ve written about before, but I’d like to pull it all together here because I think that there are some interesting implications of it. To me, this is a Rainfall Problem kind of question.

Here’s the experimental set-up. We’ve got six groups.

  1. All groups are learning with pairs of a worked example (a completely worked out piece of code) and then a practice problem (maybe a Parson’s Problem, maybe writing some code). We’ll call these WE-P pairs (Worked Example-Practice). Now, some WE-P pairs have the same context (think of it as the story of a story problem), and some have different contexts. Maybe in the same context, you’re asked to compute the average tips for several days of tips as a barista. Maybe in a different context, you compute tips in the worked example, but you compute the average test score in the practice. In general, we predict that different contexts will be harder for the student than having everything the same.
  2. So we’ve got same context vs different context as one variable we’re manipulating. The other variable is whether the participants get the worked example with NO subgoal labels, or GENERATED subgoal labels, or the participant has to GENERATE subgoal labels. Think of a subgoal label as a comment that explains some code, but it’s the same comment that will appear in several different programs. It’s meant to encourage the student to abstract the meaning of the code.

In the GENERATE condition, the participants get blanks, to encourage them to abstract for themselves. Typically, we’d expect (for research in other parts of STEM with subgoal labels) that GENERATE would lead to more learning than GIVEN labels, but it’s harder. We might get cognitive overload.

In general, GIVEN labels beats out no labels. No problem — that’s what we expect given all the past work on subgoal labels. But when we consider all six groups, we get this picture.

Why would having the same context do worse with GIVEN labels than no labels? Why would the same context do much better with GENERATE labels, but worse when it’s different contexts?

So, Briana, Lauren, and Adrienne Decker replicated the experiment with Adrienne’s students at RIT (ICER 2016). And they found:

The same strange “W” pattern, where we have this odd interaction between context and GIVEN vs. GENERATE that we just don’t have an explanation for.

But here’s the really intriguing part: they also did the experiment with second semester students at RIT. All the weird interactions disappeared! Same context beat different context. GIVEN labels beat GENERATE labels. No labels do the worst. When students get enough experience, they figure things out and behave like students in other parts of STEM.

The puzzle for the community is WHY. Briana has a hypothesis. Novice students don’t attend to the details that they need, unless you change the contexts. Without changing contexts, students even GIVEN labels don’t learn because they’re not paying enough attention. Changing contexts gets them to think, “What’s going on here?” GENERATE is just too hard for novices — the cognitive load of figuring out the code and generating labels is just overwhelming for students, so they do badly when we’d expect them to do better.

Here we have a theory-conflicting result, that has been replicated in two different populations. It’s like the Rainfall Problem. Nobody expected the Rainfall Problem to be hard, but it was. More and more people tried it with their students, and still, it was hard. It took Kathi Fisler to figure out how to teach CS so that most students could succeed at the Rainfall Problem. What could we teach novice CS students so that they avoid the “W” pattern? Is it just time? Will all second semester students avoid the “W”?

Dr. Morrison gave us a really interesting dissertation — some big wins, and some intriguing puzzles for the next researchers to wrestle with. Briana has now joined the computing education research group at U. Nebraska – Omaha, where I expect to see more great results.

December 16, 2016 at 7:00 am 8 comments

Transfer of learning: Making sense of what education research is telling us

I enjoy reading “Gas station without pumps,” and the below-quoted post was one I wanted to respond to.

Two of the popular memes of education researchers, “transferability is an illusion” and “the growth mindset”, are almost in direct opposition, and I don’t know how to reconcile them.

One possibility is that few students actually attempt to learn the general problem-solving skills that math, CS, and engineering design are rich domains for.  Most are content to learn one tiny skill at a time, in complete isolation from other skills and ideas. Students who are particularly good at memory work often choose this route, memorizing pages of trigonometric identities, for example, rather than learning how to derive them at need from a few basics. If students don’t make an attempt to learn transferable skills, then they probably won’t.  This is roughly equivalent to claiming that most students have a fixed mindset with respect to transferable skills, and suggests that transferability is possible, even if it is not currently being learned.

Teaching and testing techniques are often designed to foster an isolation of ideas, focusing on one idea at a time to reduce student confusion. Unfortunately, transferable learning comes not from practice of ideas in isolation, but from learning to retrieve and combine ideas—from doing multi-step problems that are not scaffolded by the teacher.

Source: Transfer of learning | Gas station without pumps

The problem with “transferability” is that it’s an ill-defined term.  Certainly, there is transfer of skill between domains.  Sharon Carver showed a long time ago that she could teach debugging Logo programs, and students would transfer that debugging process to instructions on a map (mentioned in post here).  That’s transferring a skill or a procedure.  We probably do transfer big, high-level heuristics like “divide-and-conquer” or “isolate the problem.”  One issue is whether we can teach them.  John Sweller says that we can’t — we must learn them (it’s a necessary survival skill), but they’re learned from abstracting experience (see Neil Brown’s nice summary of Sweller’s SIGCSE keynote).

Whether we can teach them or not, what we do know is that higher-order thinking is built on lots of content knowledge. Novices are unlikely to transfer until they know a lot of stuff, a lot of examples, a lot of situations. For example, novice designers often have “design fixation.”  They decide that the first thing they think of must be the right answer.  We can insist that novice designers generate more designs, but they’re not going to generate more good designs until they know more designs.  Transfer happens pretty easily when you know a lot of content and have seen a lot of situations, and you recognize that one situation is actually like another.

Everybody starts out learning one tiny skill at a time.  If you know a lot of skills (maybe because you have lots of prior experience, maybe because you have thought about these skills a lot and have recognized the general principles), you can start chunking these skills and learning whole schema and higher-level skills.  But you can’t do that until you know lots of skills.  Students who want to learn one tiny skill at a time may actually need to still learn one tiny skill at a time. People abstract (e.g., able to derive a solution rather than memorize it) when they know enough content that it’s useful and possible for them to abstract over it.  I completely agree that students have to try to abstract.  They have to learn a lot of stuff, and then they have to be in a situation where it’s useful for them to abstract.

“Growth mindset” is a necessity for any of this to work.  Students have to believe that content is worth knowing and that they can learn it.  If students believe that content is useless, or that they just “don’t do math” or “am not a computer person” (both of which I’ve heard in just the last week), they are unlikely to learn content, they are unlikely to see patterns in it, and they are unlikely to abstract over it.

Kevin is probably right that we don’t teach problem solving in engineering or computing well.  I blogged on this theme for CACM last month — laboratory experiments work better for a wider range students than classroom studies.  Maybe we teach better in labs than in classrooms?  The worked examples effect suggests that we may be asking students to problem solve too much.  We should show students more completely worked out problems.  As Sweller said at SIGCSE, we can’t expect students to solve novel problems.  We have to expect students to match new problems to solutions that they have already seen.  We do want students to solve problems, too, and not just review example solutions. Trafton and Reiser showed that these should be interleaved: Example, Problem, Example, Problem… (see this page for a summary of some of the worked examples research, including Trafton & Reiser).

When I used to do Engineering Education research, one of my largest projects was a complete flop.  We had all this prior work showing the benefits of a particular collaborative learning technology and technique, then we took it into the engineering classroom and…poof! Nothing happened.  In response, we started a project to figure out why it failed so badly.  One of our findings was that “learned helplessness” was rampant in our classes, which is a symptom of a fixed mindset.  “I know that I’m wrong, and there’s nothing that I can do about it.  Collaboration just puts my errors on display for everyone,” was the kind of response we’ve got. (See here for one of our papers on this work.)

I believe that all the things Kevin sees going wrong in his classes really are happening.  I believe he’s not seeing transfer that he might reasonably expect to see.  I believe that he doesn’t see students trying to abstract across lower-level skills.  But I suspect that the problem is the lack of a growth mindset.  In our work, we saw Engineering students simply give up.  They felt like they couldn’t learn, they couldn’t keep up, so they just memorized.  I don’t know that that’s the cause of the problems that Kevin is seeing.  In my work, I’ve often found that motivation and incentive are key to engagement and learning.

April 25, 2016 at 7:33 am 3 comments

Moving Beyond MOOCS: Could we move to understanding learning and teaching?

We’re years into the MOOC phenomenon, and I’d hoped that we’d get past MOOC hype. But we’re not.  The article below shows the same misunderstandings of learning and teaching that we heard at the start — misunderstandings that even MOOC supporters (like here and here) have stopped espousing.

The value of being in the front row of a class is that you talk with the teacher.  Getting physically closer to the lecturer doesn’t improve learning.  Engagement improves learning.  A MOOC puts everyone at the back of the class, listening only and doing the homework.

In many ways, we have a romanticized view of college. Popular portrayals of a typical classroom show a handful of engaged students sitting attentively around a small seminar table while their Harrison Ford-like professor shares their wisdom about the world. We all know the real classroom is very different. Especially in big introductory classes — American history, U.S. government, human psychology, etc. — hundreds of disinterested, and often distracted, students cram into large impersonal lecture halls, passively taking notes, occasionally glancing up at the clock waiting for the class to end. And it’s no more engaging for the professor. Usually we can’t tell whether students are taking notes or updating their Facebook page. For me, everything past the ninth row was distance learning. A good online platform puts every student in the front row.

via Moving Beyond MOOCS | Steven M. Gillon.

June 5, 2015 at 7:14 am 9 comments

Important paper at SIGCSE 2015: Transferring Skills at Solving Word Problems from Computing to Algebra Through Bootstrap

I was surprised that this paper didn’t get more attention at SIGCSE 2015.  The Bootstrap folks are seeing evidence of transfer from the computing and programming activities into mathematics performance.  There are caveats on the result, so these are only suggestive results at this time.

What I’d like to see in follow-up studies is more analysis of the students.  The paper cited below describes the design of Bootstrap and why they predict impact on mathematics learning, and describes the pre-test/post-test evidence of impact on mathematics.  When Sharon Carver showed impact of programming on problem-solving performance (mentioned here), she looked at what the students did — she showed that her predictions were met.  Lauren Margulieux did think-aloud protocols to show that students were really saying subgoal labels to themselves when transferring knowledge (see subgoal labeling post).  When Pea & Kurland looked for transfer, they found that students didn’t really learn CS well enough to expect anything to transfer — so we need to demonstrate that they learned the CS, too.

Most significant bit: Really cool that we have new work showing potential transfer from CS learning into other disciplines.

Many educators have tried to leverage computing or programming to help improve students’ achievement in mathematics. However, several hopes of performance gains—particularly in algebra—have come up short. In part, these efforts fail to align the computing and mathematical concepts at the level of detail typically required to achieve transfer of learning. This paper describes Bootstrap, an early-programming curriculum that is designed to teach key algebra topics as students build their own videogames. We discuss the curriculum, explain how it aligns with algebra, and present initial data showing student performance gains on standard algebra problems after completing Bootstrap.

via Transferring Skills at Solving Word Problems from Computing to Algebra Through Bootstrap.

May 11, 2015 at 7:44 am 8 comments

Going beyond the cognitivist in computing education research questions

In Josh Tenenberg’s lead article in the September 2014 ACM Transactions on Computing Education (linked below), he uses this blog, and in particular, this blog post on research questions, as a foil for exploring what questions we ask in computing education research.  I was both delighted (“How wonderful! I have readers who are thinking about what I’m writing!”) and aghast (“But wait!  It’s just a blog post!  I didn’t carefully craft the language the way I might a serious paper!”) — but much more the former.  Josh is kind in his consideration, and raises interesting issues about our perspectives in our research questions.

I disagree with one part of his analysis, though.  He argues that my conception of computing education (“the study of how people come to understand computing”) is inherently cognitivist (centered in the brain, ignoring the social context) because of the word “understand.”  Maybe.  If understanding is centered in cognition, yes, I agree.  If understanding is demonstrated through purposeful action in the world (i.e., you understand computing if you can do with computing what you want), then it’s a more situated definition.  If understanding is a dialogue with others (i.e., you understand computing if you can communicate about computing with others), then it’s more of a sociocognitive definition.

The questions he calls out are clearly cognitivist.  I’m guilty as charged — my first PhD advisor was a cognitive scientist, and I “grew up” as the learning science community was being born.  That is my default position when it comes to thinking about learning.  But I think that my definition of the field is more encompassing, and in my own work, I tend toward thinking more about motivation and about communities of practice.

Asking significant research questions is a crucial aspect of building a research foundation in computer science CS education. In this article, I argue that the questions that we ask are shaped by internalized theoretical presuppositions about how the social and behavioral worlds operate. And although such presuppositions are essential in making the world sensible, at the same time they preclude carrying out many research studies that may further our collective research enterprise. I build this argument by first considering a few proposed research questions typical of much of the existing research in CS education, making visible the cognitivist assumptions that these questions presuppose. I then provide a different set of assumptions based on sociocultural theories of cognition and enumerate some of the different research questions to which these presuppositions give rise. My point is not to debate the merits of the contrasting theories but to demonstrate how theories about how minds and sociality operate are imminent in the very questions that researchers ask. Finally, I argue that by appropriating existing theory from the social, behavioral, and learning sciences, and making such theories explicit in carrying out and reporting their research, CS education researchers will advance the field.

via Asking Research Questions.

October 28, 2014 at 8:18 am 8 comments

A flawed case against teaching: Scaffolding, direct instruction, and learner-centered classrooms

Premise 1: Teaching is a human endeavor that does not and cannot improve over time.

Premise 2: Human beings are fantastic learners.

Premise 3: Humans don’t learn well in the teaching-focused classroom.

Conclusion: We won’t meet the needs for more and better higher education until professors become designers of learning experiences and not teachers.

at Change | The Case Against Teaching


Interesting argument linked above, but wrong.


June 10, 2014 at 9:57 am 5 comments

Should Coding be the “New Foreign Language” Requirement?

I don’t agree that learning a foreign language is as useful as learning a programming language, especially in terms of increased communication capability (so I wouldn’t see it as equivalent to a foreign language requirement). I see learning a foreign language as far more important and useful.  It is interesting to think about cognitive effects of learning programming that might be similar to the cognitive effects of learning another human language.

Learning a language increases perception. Multilingual students are better at observing their surroundings. They can focus on important information and exclude information that is less relevant. They’re also better at spotting misleading data. Likewise, programming necessitates being able to focus on what works while eliminating bugs. Foreign language instruction today emphasizes practical communication — what students can do with the language. Similarly, coding is practical, empowering and critical to the daily life of everyone living in the 21st century.

via Should Coding be the “New Foreign Language” Requirement? | Edutopia.

January 21, 2014 at 1:27 am 15 comments

What Sir Ken Got Wrong, and what the blogger got wrong too

Really interesting blog post, dissecting the mistakes made in a very popular TED talk.

Sir Ken’s ideas aren’t just impractical; they are undesirable. Here’s the trouble with his arguments:

1. Talent, creativity and intelligence are not innate, but come through practice.

2. Learning styles and multiple intelligences don’t exist.

3. Literacy and numeracy are the basis for creativity.

4. Misbehaviour is a bigger problem in our schools than conformity.

5. Academic achievement is vital but unequal, partly because…

6. Rich kids get rich cultural knowledge, poor kids don’t.

via What Sir Ken Got Wrong | Pragmatic Education.

I don’t completely agree with all of Pragmatic Education’s arguments.

  • Intelligence may not be malleable.  You can learn more knowledge, and that can come from practice.  It’s not clear that fluid intelligence is improved with practice.
  • Learning styles don’t seem to exist.  Multiple intelligences?  I don’t think that the answer is as clear there.
  • Creativity comes from knowing things.  Literacy and numeracy are great ways of coming to know things.  It’s a bit strong to say that creativity comes from literacy and numeracy.
  • There are lots of reasons why rich kids are unequal to poor kids (see the issue about poverty and cognitive function.)  Cultural knowledge is just part of it.

But 90% — I think he gets what’s wrong with Sir Ken’s arguments.

November 21, 2013 at 1:30 am 3 comments

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